Wednesday, July 6, 2011


* Have you seen my new FREE monthly (except February and March) newsletter LOIS? Click here to download the premiere issue.

* Bruce, the MISSOURI TAX GUY, wished America a “Happy 235th”.

Be sure to check out his PRODUCT PAGE while you are there.

* At DON’T MESS WITH TAXES Kay Bell celebrated the holiday with “Tax Carnival 88: Tax Independence”.

My post “Sometimes It’s OK To Say Never” appears, along with some interesting discussions from some new sources (at least new to me). Check it out.

* Professor Annette Nellen thinks that the “Mortgage Interest Deduction is a Subsidy in Need of Reform” over at 21st CENTURY TAXATION.

I comment on Annette’s post with reference to my post on "The New Tax Code: Interest and Taxes”, and Annette comments on my post.

* Jean Murray reports “Federal Unemployment Tax Rate Cut July 1, 2011” over at ABOUT.COM: US BUSINESS LAW/TAXES.

* Robert W Wood (THE TAX LAWYER), Kelly Phillips Erb’s fellow tax blogger over at FORBES.COM, has earned my respect with his post “New Worries Over E-Filing Taxes”.

For years now I’ve been criticized as a luddite: the whole idea of e-filing was foreign to me. See ‘
E-Filing And IRS Website’. I worried how easily the IRS could mine the electronic data. Besides, I’d been hired to help straighten out e-filing messes by those who had hit “send” too soon, making elections that ostensibly could not be undone.

For those and other reasons, I’ve often said taxpayers should file on
whenever possible. But that’s not been a popular view. Sometimes armies of e-filer advocates have attacked me like white blood cells for standing in the way of progress and making life difficult for accountants.”


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